Would you like to participate in our reader calls for seasonal ideas? Do you have a recipe, family or child friendly idea, or a great way to celebrate a seasonal holiday with your family? We would love to hear about it!

Send all guest post submissions to thepurposefulmoms at gmail dot com.

Please read the Guest Posting Guidelines below before submitting your post.

Guest Posting Guidelines


Your topic should fit within the following categories:

  • Recipe (non-alcoholic)
  • Child and family friendly activity ideas for all seasons and Christian and National holidays (no Halloween submissions)
  • Marriage building, family building, memory building
  • Housekeeping tips and tricks.
  • Encouragement for women- single, wives, mothers


  • All submissions must be your original content.
  • No plagiarizing. If you quote another source, you must quote that source.
  • Once your submission has been posted on Purposeful Moms, you may not repost in part or in whole your submission on any other site. You may promote your post on your website and social media.
  • Purposeful Moms does not pay for submissions. All guest posts are voluntary and are done without the expectation of payment. Your post will clearly state that you are the author, and  a link will be included to your blog/website if applicable.
  • Once your post is submitted and posted on Purposeful Moms, we reserve the right to promote the post on social media and link-ups.


  • Only send in images that you have the right to (no source photos or photos downloaded from the Internet).
  • By sending in an image you are guaranteeing that you have the permission of the people shown in the photo to use their photo.
  • Purposeful Moms reserves the right to enhance any images in order to make them “post ready”.
  • Purposeful Moms reserves the right to reject any image that does not align with our standard of conduct.


  • Purposeful Moms permits the use of one link back to your blog/website in your bio. No affiliate links are to be used in your post at any time.
  • Links may be included in your post as long as they relate to the topic or link back to a cited source.


  • Purposeful Moms reserves the right to reject submissions if they do not comply with the guidelines described or with our values.
  • Submissions may be edited.
  • You will be notified within 3-5 days of submission if and when your submission will be used so you can help promote your post.


  • Purposeful Moms reserves the right to adjust and amend these guidelines.
  • Purposeful Moms reserves the right to refuse posts that do not align with our personal convictions and beliefs.
  • If you choose to submit a post, you understand that you cannot claim any profits made from your submission.
  • Purposeful Moms reserves the right to refuse submissions that are made for the purpose of advertisement.
  • Purposeful Moms charges for advertising on this site. If you would like to submit a post for advertisement, contact us for more information.

We look forward to your submission.