
I was 26. And single.

All of the people in my circle were in a relationship, engaged, or married with children on the way.

And then there was me.

The oldest in our Sunday school class.


I would go home from church, saddened because, as wonderful as my family was, I felt that empty feeling that comes when you know you are missing your other half, but you don’t even know who that other half is. I didn’t have that special someone that was made just for me.

Then one day as I was shopping at Bealls (a Florida only franchise), I happened to walk past the men’s ties.

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And that is when God put a thought in my heart.

Buy one.

I questioned the thought.

“For who?”

And I felt God tell my heart, In faith, buy one, and have it gift wrapped at the back counter.

As far as I knew, there was no one that I currently knew who the tie could possibly be for (I did know this guy named Brian… my friend… the one I practiced talking to guys with since I knew nothing about talking to guys… but I never imagined the tie could be for him…).

But I obeyed.

I had faith the size of a tie that…

…one day there would be a man made just for me who would wear that tie.

 …God had not forgotten about me. Faith that He was ready with pen in hand to write my love story.

…my turn would come, and I would have my very own love story to tell.

When we…

…feel that we have been forgotten.

…are saddened that we are the only ones in our circle who have not reached a particular milestone.

…see those around us enjoying the gifts we are so fervently praying for.

We need to have faith.

We only have to have faith the size of a mustard seed.

It doesn’t have to be big faith. A mustard seed is small. It is 2-3 millimeters in diameter, but Jesus tells us that faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain (Matthew 17:20).

The contrast in size is so great. A tiny seed. A giant mountain. Yet God does not require the size of our faith to match the challenge. Sometimes our faith is only the size of a mustard seed. But as we see God move each mountain we encounter, the size of our faith grows.

Speaking and acting in faith before you see what you are waiting for is not new…

-Gideon was called a mighty man of valor while he was hiding in a cave. (Judges 6:12)

-The widow prepared the last of her flour and oil for Elijah without knowing if she and her son would ever eat again. (1 Kings 17:8-16)

What are you needing faith for?

Faith that one day…

…God will bring the right man into your life.

…your arms will hold the baby your heart has dreamed of.

…your entire family will worship together- at home and in God’s house.

…you will turn the key and open the front door to a home you can call your own.

Your faith may be the size of onesie, a hymnal, or a set of brand new kitchen towels.

In my case, faith was the size of a tie.

A maroon and gold colored tie that I pulled down from the top shelf in my closet one beautiful day in October of 2003- the day after Brian asked my parents for my hand in marriage.

What size is your faith?


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  1. This is a BEAUTIFUL testimony. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for always being such an encouragement <3

  2. Love this so much! This is sooo good 🥲

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