
The thought of winter conjures up so many wonderful feeling and expectations.

The smell of chili cooking all day in the slow cooker.

The sound of a warm fire crackling in the fireplace.

The feel of thick, warm sweaters a cold night.

The taste of peppermint in coffee and confections.

The sight of twinkling lights, freshly fallen snow, and clear blue skies.

I remember winter with so many fond memories.

A snowball fight with family friends one Christmas in Chicago and coming in with a painfully red face- evidence of a snowball fight lost.


Participating in a live nativity scene at our church, and knowing that no matter how many layers of clothes we wore, it would not shield us from the biting cold. But the anticipation of the ten day church event was the highlight of the season.

Having my first taste of toffee bars and thinking there was nothing in the world like them.

Loving my winter wardrobe as a teenager. The sweaters, the jackets (yes, I owned a long denim coat- it was the thing!), the boots, the loafers. Winter style was my favorite.

Usually when we think of winter, we think of Christmas and New Years, but winter is so much more than that.

Winter is full of new beginnings- a New Year, resolutions or words to live by. It is full of days of remembrance- Martin Luther King Jr. Day. There are days that remind us of men who lived their lives in honor to God- St. Valentine’s and St. Patrick’s Days.

Enjoy the simple, ordinary days of winter with your family, and may the memories made bring joy for years to come.

This list is not exhaustive by any means. Check out this calendar for more dates that you and your family may want to celebrate.


December Dates:

December 25- Christmas (This one is self-explanatory. Celebrate to your heart’s content.)

December 26- National Candy Cane Day (Just because Christmas is over doesn’t mean candy canes have to be put away. Take those candy canes and add them to a cup of hot chocolate or dip them in melted chocolate for an extra sweet treat.)

December 28- Pledge of Allegiance Day (Recite the Pledge with your children and explain what the words mean. Sometimes, we can say something so often from rote memory that we forget the true meaning behind the words.)

December 30- Bacon Day (Breakfast anyone? Or how about adding some bacon to your burger? Use this day to help you plan your meals for the day.)

December 31- New Years Eve (We end our year with a video photo montage celebrating all of our family highlights from the previous year.)


January Dates:

January 1- New Years Day (Sleep in from celebrating late into the previous night, and soak in these last vacation days with your kids.)

January 3- JRR Tolkien Day (Are your kids still on their Christmas break? Why not have a Hobbit or Lord of the Rings movie marathon? Or read through Letters from Father Christmas with your kids… afterall, Christmas isn’t officially over yet.)

January4- National Spaghetti Day You don’t have to worry too much about what’s for dinner tonight. Add some meatballs and sauce and celebrate away!)

January 6- Epiphany/ Day of Los Reyes (Today marks the official last day of the Christmas season. Find a few, small, highly discounted treats at the store during the after Christmas sales and give your family one last Christmas hoorah.)

January 15- MLK Jr. Day (Have your children listen to and watch MLK Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Remind them of the importance of character and how that should be our focus when choosing friends.)

January 16- National Good Teen Day (Do you have a teenager? Do you think your teenager is awesome? I do! Today is the day to celebrate that teen of yours. Our teens hear so many negatives. Make this a day where you share what an awesome teen you have!)

January 21- National Sanctity of Human Life Day (Life is a gift from God, and it is our job to speak for those who cannot speak for or defend themselves. Today we celebrate the sanctity of life. Do you have a personal account of how someone chose life for you or someone close to you? I do. Share that story with your children so they can see the personal impact choosing life has.)

January 27- National Spouses Day (Aside from your anniversary, let today be a day to celebrate your spouse. It doesn’t have to be an all-out celebration. Even just picking up their favorite coffee creamer lets your spouse know you thought of them today.)

January 27- International Holocaust Remembrance Day (“Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.” Sara Shepard. My daughter was recently talking with some friends and found that a few had no idea what the Holocaust even was. In less than one hundred years, we have a generation who have no idea about the atrocities done to the Jewish people simply because of the fact that they were Jewish. There are movies that share the tragedy of the Holocaust and the bravery of those who fought against it that you can share with your children. Hidden in Silence, Miracle at Midnight, and The Hiding Place are just three of my favorites.)

January 28- National Blueberry Pancake Day (Breakfast or dinner anyone? And if you are too busy in the morning to make a batch of pancakes, why not try this recipe of Sheet Pan Blueberry Pancakes?)


February Dates:

Ice Cream for Breakfast Day- February 3 (Any time my aunt has had my daughter come over for a girls’ night sleepover since she was 3.5 years old, my aunt has served pancakes with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and her special recipe of strawberry sauce drizzled over it for breakfast. Our girl has come to expect that for breakfast anytime she is over there… even as a now 15 year old!)

National Pizza Day- February 4 (Whether you decide to order in a pie, make homemade pizzas, or put a frozen pie in the oven, this is an easy way to decide dinner and celebrate an ordinary day.)

National Latte Day- February 11 (Yes, please! Save up those Dunkin’ points and turn them into a latte for a nice pick me up!)

Superbowl Sunday- February 11 (Wear your favorite team’s gear whether they made it to the big game or not, have friends over, and just have a good time cheering your evening’s team of choice to victory.)

National Pancake Day- February 13 (Breakfast, lunch, or dinner, pancakes are an inexpensive way to feed a crowd… or your family.)

Valentine’s Day- February 14 (We all think of hearts, love, and chocolate when we think of Valentine’s Day, but what about teaching our children the real reason this holiday was made? What are we truly celebrating? This is my favorite video to show our kids to help them understand beautiful background to this now “romantic” holiday.)

President’s Day- February 19 (Pull out a great picture book or watch this video to help your children develop a respect for the two great presidents we celebrate on President’s Day.)

National Tug of War Day- February 19 (Grab a rope, split into teams, and play a game of tug of war.)

National Family Day- February 19 (After your game of tug of war, gather together to snap a picture, and celebrate the family God gave you!)

National Tell a Fairy Tale Day- February 26 Do you have a favorite fairy tale? Tonight would be a great night to curl up and read the story to your littles, or, if they are old enough, get some popcorn and watch the ultimate fairy tale- “The Princess Bride”.

March Dates:

Dr. Seuss Day- March 2 (Do you have a favorite Dr. Seuss book or movie? Take some time to read a book or watch a movie with your kiddos.)

National Oreo Cookie Day- March 5 (No explanation necessary! Grab a package of Oreos- preferably double stuffed- and a glass of milk and remember back to when you could eat a package of these with no consequences!)

World Book Day- March 7 (If you can, make some time in your day to curl up with a good book.)

National Meatball Day- March 9 (Have you noticed that a lot of our special days revolve around food? Use those days to help determine your meals and give you an easy way to celebrate. Spaghetti and meatballs. Meatball subs. Swedish meatballs. Jellied meatballs. The options are limitless for this day.)

Popcorn Lover’s Day- March 14 (My husband makes my favorite popcorn ever. He doesn’t do anything special to it, but I know he makes it for me with love, and it is amazing! Do you have a favorite brand of popcorn or flavoring? Today is the day to make some popcorn.)

St. Patrick’s Day- March 17 (The true story behind this holiday is better than any legend could be. We loved this Veggie Tale version of his story when my kids were little, and this version of his story now that my kids are older.)

Last day of winter- March 19 (This is the last day of winter! tomorrow is spring! How about one last bowl of chili, hot chocolate, or apple cider to celebrate!)

My you have a wonderful winter filled with memories, and may your children remember for years to come your efforts to make the ordinary days of winter special.

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