
One morning quite a few years ago, my children were in Addie’s room.

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She was reading her devotional for the morning, Born Again! (I Can Read God’s Word), and Ian was sitting beside her listening.

I thought it was so sweet! I grabbed my camera to take a picture, but what I heard next touched me even more than what I saw.

“Ian, when we disobey that is called sin.”

I was stunned.

Nowhere in the story she was reading did those words appear together. God had given my daughter (5 years old at the time) an understanding of a fundamental truth based on what she had been reading.

As a parent, my natural instinct was to swoop in and elaborate on the moment, over talk the lesson learned, and make sure my daughter “understood right.” After all, we are called to teach our children about the Lord.


I chose not to.

I chose to step out of God’s way.

I chose not to interrupt their moment.

I chose not to somehow come across as if God needed me to clarify what my daughter clearly understood.

She obviously understood Him.

She didn’t need my “help.”

She didn’t need me to show by my actions that I thought God could only speak to parents.

She didn’t need me to make her feel that God couldn’t speak to her because she was only a child.

He can!

He has!

Samuel is a great example of a time when God spoke to a child…. very clearly. (1 Samuel 3)

As a rule of thumb, we need to make Deuteronomy 6: 6-9 our way of life. We need to instruct our children throughout the day in the ways of the Lord.

There are times, though, when we need to give our children the space to have a real visit, conversation, encounter with God. It will cause their faith to grow by leaps and bounds.

Let them tell you what God has shown them, and fight back the need to expound, elaborate, and explain further- unless your child “figured” something out on their own and are way off base. Stepping back reinforces to your child that God really can speak to them- not just Mom and Dad.

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  1. Wonderful wisdom in your words.

    1. Thank you, Nancy! By the grace of God.

  2. Encouraging post. It’s so encouraging to know that He can speak directly into their hearts too.

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