
I love watching HGTV- the searching for the perfect home, the best location, and the creating of a place to grow your family. Three of the most common phrases that I hear regardless of the show I’m watching are, “I can’t wait to host family and friends here,” “This would be great for entertaining,” and “I can picture us entertaining our friends and family here.”

I think we have a deep desire to have others come to our home, host a dinner or party, and just be hospitable towards them. But how many times do we get frustrated just before our guests arrive? How many times have we thrown our hands in the air, along with our party decorations, and asked why we’re even hosting a gathering?

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1 Peter 4:9 says, “Use hospitality one to another without grudging.”

Party hosting is something that was always front and center for my mother. When anyone came to her home for a party, they always walked away saying, “Ana hosts the best parties!” As her daughter, I watched her prepare for and host her parties. She always had more food than her guests could eat because she never wanted anyone to feel like they couldn’t take seconds. Since she was a perfect blend of Mary and Martha, she would serve her guests while listening to them and ministering to them at the same time.

Fast forward to today…

As the holiday season approaches, hosting, with all of its joys and pressures, makes its way to the forefront of our minds. We have fall parties, Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas parties, and New Year’s Eve/Day parties that we are mentally preparing for. I’ll bet you’re thinking about your part in hosting this holiday season even now as you’re reading this!

Before the stress kicks in, here are some tips that can help you streamline your party plans. Not only do you want to host a party that your guests will love, but you want it to be one that you can enjoy as well.

What is your party personality?

Are you an easy-going, laid back person, or do you enjoy going all out with decor and themes? Do you want your guests to feel at home and free to sit where they want to or do you want a more formal feel with assigned seating and place cards?

Knowing your personality will keep you from planning a gathering that is out of your comfort zone and will leave you feeling overwhelmed. It will keep you in the realm of realistic, no matter how strong the pull is to let Pinterest be your guide.

Have your “person” there

We all have that close one or two people who will have our backs, do what needs to be done, handle what you can’t or may not know about, and in some ways just be an extension of you during the party. Make sure that person is there. Give them the green light ahead of time  to handle whatever needs to be handled if you are unable to during your event.

I grew up in a large extended family. At gatherings, everyone pitched in and just did what needed to be done to relieve stress from the hostess. I learned at an early age that having someone (or several someones) there for you, the hostess, during the party is so important.

What’s your budget?

Although we all want to host a party that puts our best foot forward, being conscientious of our budget is important. The budget will decide how big your party can be, how elaborate the settings are, or how much entertainment you can comfortably provide.

In your budget, be sure to include, food and beverages, any place settings, party favors, entertainment, and any clothing items that may be needed. All of these items can add up without notice. Setting a budget at the beginning helps in keeping costs in check.

How big/small do you want to make it?

Do you want a large gathering of family and friends? Or do you want your gathering to be more intimate with those you are closest to? How many people do you actually have room for? Are you willing to rent an off site venue for your party? Deciding this will help you determine the direction of your party. Set your guest list if you want a small gathering and don’t budge.

To cook or not to cook…

Be realistic. Will you have enough time to cook and prepare the meal the week of your party? Or will ordering several pizza pies be enough for your guests? Are you comfortable enough with your guests to ask each person to bring a side dish? This would alleviate extra tasks off of your plate so you are free to handle other planning items.

These are all great options. Each one will will give you an edge to hosting a great party. My sister hosted a party and set a theme (peanut butter). She had each guest bring a dish that used peanut butter in some way. The excitement of discovering new peanut butter based dishes fit her party perfectly.

For my son’s 5th birthday, I knew I would have no time to actually prepare a meal to serve. And when kids are your main guests, finding something everyone will like can be a challenge. Picking up several pizza pies was the perfect solution.


Depending on your gathering, you will need to decide what type of entertainment will be needed.

I’ve had friends, who are working moms, throw roller-skating rink or Bowling alley parties. These are perfect because they include food and entertainment. All you have to do is provide the cake!

At my son’s baby shower, the women were entertained with games and the opening of gifts. Meanwhile, the men were in a theater room with a college football game.

For my son’s 5th birthday party, we rented a bounce house to keep the kids entertained. Once the gifts had been opened, the children went into his room to play with the new toys.

For my sister’s peanut butter party, a gathering of women at lunch time makes for its own entertainment. She provided a comfortable area for women to congregate and we entertained each other with conversation.

As we head into the holiday season, remember:

Do what you can. 

Don’t overwhelm yourself.

If you’re new to entertaining, start small.

Find your groove.

But more importantly, enjoy yourself and your guests and host a part that works for you.

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  1. WOW! These are all wonderful ideas and tips! Thanks!!!

    1. You are such a great hostess! I will always remember our visit to your home.

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