Dates reflect Fall 2023 dates.

When September arrives, it comes with the anticipation of all things fall. Sweaters, boots, leaves changing colors, and pumpkin flavored everything.

Here in Florida, we can only imagine what the rest of the world experiences for fall. We live vicariously through Pinterest photos and Hallmark movies and imagine the crisp feel of the air on Thanksgiving.

However, there are so many delightfully ordinary days sprinkled into the months of September through December that it doesn’t matter that our leaves actually turn color and fall in January. We can still enjoy these days along with everyone else who live in the perfect fall climates further north.

I have made a list some of our fall favorite ordinary days (this list is by no means extensive) and how we plan to recognize them (or have recognized them in the past) in splendid ways or just acknowledge them in passing. After all, that is the simple beauty of ordinary days.

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September 22- Native American Day (I have several books about Squanto and Sacajawea that we have read at this time)

September 23- First Day of Fall (We celebrate this day every year by decorating for the season of fall, not a particular holiday.)


October 1- Coffee Day (no explanation needed…)

October 4- Taco Day (Tacos for dinner!)

Second Monday of October- Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day (In years past, we have made this Christopher Columbus themed craft.)

October 16 (or the next working day if the date falls on the weekend)- Boss’s Day (A good day to show our children how to respect the ones who sign our paychecks.)

October 21- Sweetest Day (Enjoy a sweet treat.)

October 24- United Nations Day (Take some time to learn about this organization.)

October 31- Reformation Day (We “nail” the 95 Thesis to our door using tape on the back of the papers and a toy plastic hammer and learn the Five Solas. We also watch a movie based on Martin Luther’s life. This is one of our favorites now that the kids are older, but when they were smaller, this one by the Torchlighters was wonderful for them.)


November 3- Sandwich Day (This will be easy to celebrate…)

Election Day- (Take your kids with you as you place your vote… and explain to your children that a secret ballot means they are not to announce your choice of candidate to everyone in your voting precinct 😉

November 11- Veteran’s Day (Several state parks in our area offer free entrance on this day in exchange for supplies that are put into care packages to be sent to our troops- a more than reasonable trade. Find out if any state parks in your area offer this service to you.)

Fourth Thursday of November- Thanksgiving

Saturday after Thanksgiving- Small Business Saturday (Look into small businesses in your area that could use a boost during the holiday season.)

Sunday after Thanksgiving- First day of Advent (Begin celebrating the advent of Jesus and the Christmas season.)


December 4- Cookie Day (Bake a batch or more of cookies. Package them to be given as gifts for your neighbors, friends, and teachers.)

December 7- Pearl Harbor Day (Take some time to reflect on the impact this event had on our country.)

December 15- Bill of Rights Day (Review what the Bill of Rights are and show them Norman Rockwell’s paintings of the Four Freedoms.)

December 20- Last Day of Fall (Get ready! Christmas is around the corner!)

Let’s make fall’s ordinary days a memorable time for our families. 

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  1. WOW! I never thought about all those things we can celebrate! Thanks!!!

    1. I’m so glad you were able to get some ideas!

  2. LOVE this post. Saved it to my Pinterest board!

    1. Thank you!!! I appreciate the pin 🙂

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